Podcast : portraits
Mimi Cassaro: the urge for cold water and sea swimming
In this episode, my guest is Mimi (also Michelle Cassaro): the creator of Pulp, Rosa Bonheur and most recently the super Potes âge.es project. I thank Anna for this introduction...
Fanny Boucher: jewelry, legendary races and the good vibe
How to talk to jellyfish? How to prepare for the Monte Cristo race?
Episode 2.2 - Carole: Cold as a sustainable lifestyle art and preventive "medicine"
Presentation and introduction to cold yoga by Carole Dalmas. Tumospirit
Episode 2.1 - Laurent Méret: between lunar swims, icy conquests and aquatic passion
Lolo - our extreme swimmer from Marseille
Episode 1.6: Zuri Camille De Souza, eco-gastronome chef navigating between sustainable flavors and open water
Zuri Camille de Souza and the practice of open water and cold water swimming.
Romain Burle - sports manager, polo player and cold water swimmer
Le cercle des Nageurs Marseille : CNM. Romain Burle
Mike Tipton: the cold water expert in the world
Inspiration from a very special gentleman and everything you need to know about cold water
Daniel Start: Wild Things Publishing
Adventure tales of Daniel Start from Wild Things Publishing.
Best spots to swim cycle walk in Europe - hidden gems.
Episode 2.1 - Victoire Antoun: yoga, the sea and breathing power.
Le yoga : meilleur allié de la baignade toute saison, les bienfaits de l'eau froide, Wim Hof et Guillaume Néry : Victoire nous explique tout.
Nicolas: doctor passionate about sea swimming
The benefits of swimming in cold water? When to go out to sea and what precautions to take? The most beautiful spots to swim?